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Submission deadline: 29 April, 2019


The criteria for review are:

  • Coherence with the general theme;

  • Theoretical and empirical basis;

  • Clarity of ideas and soundness of methods applied.


Kindly submit your abstract/s via online registration system on congress website using the button at the bottom of the chosen presentation format page.


General guidelines related to the required formatting and content of the abstract:

  1. The title should be brief (a maximum of 125 characters including spaces), clearly indicating the contents of the abstract;

  2. Author/s details: Full name, affiliation, country, e-mail. Note: there should be not more than 5 authors; the first author is the presenting author;

  3. Abstract body: Please ensure that your abstract does not exceed 350 words and contains the following information:

    • Background: Briefly describe the statement of the primary objectives of the study, including theoretical framework and research questions that were tested;

    • Methods: Describe design, participants (and their number), measures and analysis;

    • Findings: Summarize the most important results;

    • Discussion and conclusion: Summarize key findings from the results and their application;

    • Keywords are not required.


Language and writing: All abstracts must be in English. If English is not the authors’ first language, it is recommended that an English native speaker should proofread the abstract.


You will be able to make changes to your abstract (authorship, title, and contents) on the personal page before the deadline for abstract submission.

Notification of acceptance by the Scientific and Editorial Committees will be emailed to the corresponding author. Please note that the Editorial Committee reserves the right to change submissions for oral presentations to posters, rather than refusing abstracts, depending on the number, theme, and quality of submissions.

Papers submitted to the Conference thematic areas will be grouped together by the thematic area chairperson into paper sessions allotted of 20 minutes including discussion.

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